[#12491] filter_* parameters not working on {si_convert} block plugin
Date: 2023-03-03 14:14
Posted By: Fernando Morgado (JoMorg)
Appears to be solved as it seemed to be an effect from the same bug that was
triggering bug #12570; I'll leave it open though, pending further testing
Date: 2023-03-05 10:16
Posted By: Matt Hornsby (DIGI3) (DIGI3)
Fix confirmed, thanks!
Note for potential improvement:
If the filter_foo is not a valid parameter, it ignores all other parameters such
as max_width.
e.g. {si_convert max_width=100 filter_foobar=1}{$content}{/si_convert} wont' do
any processing at all, and doesn't log any errors.