Notice: Deprecated usage of CGExtensions::CreateURL
Detailed Description:
When opening CGFeedback from the Content menu, the following notice is shown
several times (equal to the number of feedback posts.
Notice: Deprecated usage of CGExtensions::CreateURL in
/Users/xxxxxx/Sites/modules/CGExtensions/CGExtensions.module.php on line 668
In the Module manager overview CGFeedback is found with version 2.2.1 there is
however no option to update via the module manager. A search for CGFeedback in
module manager returns a not found.
System info:
Cms Version: 2.2.13
Installed Modules:
AceEditor2: 1.05
AdminSearch: 1.0.4
CGBetterForms: 1.10.4
CGBlog: 1.15.13
CGContentUtils: 2.5.4
CGExtensions: 1.65.1
CGFeedback: 2.2.1
CGSimpleSmarty: 2.2.1
CGSmartImage: 1.22.7
CG_RSS_Reader: 1.0.4
CMSContentManager: 1.1.8
CMSMailer: 6.2.14
Captcha: 1.0
CmsJobManager: 0.1.3
DesignManager: 1.1.7
ExaExternalizer: 0.6
FileManager: 1.6.10
Gallery: 2.4.1
Gbook: 2.3
HitCounter: 2.1.2
JQueryTools: 1.4.2
MenuManager: 1.50.3
MicroTiny: 2.2.4
ModuleManager: 2.1.7
Navigator: 1.0.9
News: 2.51.8
Search: 1.51.7
SitemapMgr: 1.6
UpUtils: 0.2.1
Config Information:
php_memory_limit: 128000000
max_upload_size: 2000000000
url_rewriting: mod_rewrite
query_var: page
auto_alias_content: true
set_names: true
timezone: Europe/Amsterdam
permissive_smarty: true
Php Information:
phpversion: 7.2.26
md5_function: On (True)
json_function: On (True)
gd_version: 2
tempnam_function: On (True)
magic_quotes_runtime: Off (False)
E_ALL: 32767
E_STRICT: 2048
test_file_timedifference: No time difference found
test_db_timedifference: No time difference found
create_dir_and_file: 1
memory_limit: 128000000
max_execution_time: 30
register_globals: Off (False)
output_buffering: 4096
test_remote_url: Success
file_uploads: On (True)
post_max_size: 52M
upload_max_filesize: 2G
session_save_path: /var/tmp (1777)
session_use_cookies: On (True)
xml_function: On (True)
xmlreader_class: On (True)
check_ini_set: On (True)
curl: On
Performance Information:
allow_browser_cache: Off (False)
browser_cache_expiry: 360
php_opcache: On (True)
smarty_cache: Off (False)
smarty_compilecheck: Off (False)
auto_clear_cache_age: On (True)
Server Information:
Server Software: Apache/2.4.41 (Unix) PHP/7.2.26
Server Api: apache2handler
Server Os: Darwin 19.2.0 On x86_64
Server Db Type: MySQL (mysqli)
Server Db Version: 8.0.18
Server Db Grants: Could not find a suitable "GRANT ALL" permission, this does
not necessarily lead to problems... But if you have problems installing/removing
modules or adding and deleting items/pages this could be the cause!