

[#12235] Many bugs in CGFEURegister + more if username is not email

Created By: Raymond Juillerat (raiyul) (raymond)
Date Submitted: Sat Jan 04 10:57:14 -0500 2020

Assigned To: Robert Campbell (calguy1000)
Version: 1.0.4
CMSMS Version: 2.2.13
Severity: Major
Resolution: None
State: Open
Many bugs in CGFEURegister + more if username is not email
Detailed Description:
In my CMSMS application, the whitelist and blacklist for CGFEURegister did'nt
react correctly. I searched during a long time and finally found a bug in the
class named "class.BlacklistRegistrationVerifier.php".
For tests I made following blacklist in config.php:

$config['cgfr_username_blacklist'] = 'abc

with Windows end-of-line (CR-LF)

In the class BlacklistRegistrationVerifier I changed this:

protected function match_useremail_from_string(string $list, string
$useremail) : bool
     // here I placed 2 new lines   
        file_put_contents('aaazzzbl.txt', $list);  // write $list content
        return true ; // and go out as OK
// etc.....

and I found in aaazzzbl.txt

That means that \r (CR) has been replace with its HTML value 
 and \n (LF)

My solution :

protected function match_username_from_string(string $list, string
$username) : bool
        $list = html_entity_decode($list);    //new
        $list = preg_split("/((\r(?!\n))|((?<!\r)\n)|(\r\n))/", $list);
        if (count($list)) {
            foreach ($list as $one_line) {
$regex = '/^' . str_replace("@", "\@", str_replace("\*", ".*",
preg_quote($one_line))) . '$/';
                if (preg_match($regex, $username) > 0) return true;
            return false ;  // a list, but no match
        return false ; // no element in list -> no match possible

this beeing made, I found a second problem in the same class and my solution is

        if( $this->settings->username_blacklist ) {
if( $matches_blacklist && !$matches_whitelist ) {    //
!$matches_blacklist corrected
                // failed valid blacklist, not excluded in whitelist
throw new

That's all concerning some bugs.

I find, the autor of this page (class.BlacklistRegistrationVerifier.php) had
really good ideas,
  and it was nearly OK for the case username is email. 

Now new elements for the case where username is not email 
A) By beginning of the following function searching for the user email
    public function validate_registration(RegFieldSet $fields, User $user)
        if( $this->settings->username_is_email ) 
            $useremail = $user->username;
        // here using get_email_field() get email if not username!
            $useremail = $user->get($fields->get_email_field()->name) ;
        // check if we have blacklist stuff

B) Using the new defined $useremail instead $user->username
        // check if we have blacklist stuff
        $matches_blacklist = $matches_whitelist = null;
        if( $this->settings->username_blacklist ) {
$matches_blacklist =
        if( $this->settings->username_whitelist ) { 
$matches_whitelist =

If we only need a whitelist, that's my case, modify the function regVerifier()
in module CGFEURegister.module.php

    protected function regVerifier() : RegistrationVerifierInterface
        // todo: could have decorator here that sends hooks
        static $_obj;
        if( !$_obj ) {
$_obj = new NormalRegistrationVerifier($this, $this->feu(),
        // take in account username_whitelist, too
if( $this->cms->is_frontend_request() &&
($this->settings()->username_blacklist || $this->settings()->username_whitelist)
) $_obj = new BlacklistRegistrationVerifier($_obj, $this->settings());
        return $_obj;

There is another thing that was necessary for the case where username is not
It is in the CGFEURegister-class class.EmailRegistrationProcessor.php, in the
function get_email

    protected function get_email(RegFieldSet $set, User $user)
        // get an email address
        $email = null;
        if( $this->settings->username_is_email ) {
            return $user->get($user::USERNAME_FIELD);
        } else {
            foreach( $set as $field ) {
            //    if( $field->type == FrontendUsers::PROPTYPE_EMAIL ) {  // ?
                if( $field->type == 2 ) {
                    $propname = $field->name;
                    $email = $user->get($propname);
                    if( $email ) return $email;

With the precedently explained changes and this last change, I could use
with a whitelist and with username not being email. But if the lists rejected
the user,
the answer coming was a void content on the page.

Here the changes I made in the code:
There are two changes that must be coordinated.

1)in CGFEURegister.module.php calling the BlacklistRegistrationVerifier should
with parameter  "$this" AND "$this->settings()" 
if(...) $_obj = new BlacklistRegistrationVerifier($_obj, $this,

2)and in BlacklistRegistrationVerifier.php new private $mod and maintaining

class BlacklistRegistrationVerifier
    extends AbstractVerifierDecorator
    implements RegistrationVerifierInterface
        private $mod;       // new
        private $settings;

    // in the next line new "CGFEURegister $mod" AND "Settings $settings") 
public function __construct(RegistrationVerifierInterface $parent,
CGFEURegister $mod, Settings $settings)
        $this->mod = $mod;
        $this->settings = $settings;  


Date: 2020-01-07 03:28
Posted By: Raymond Juillerat (raiyul) (raymond)

january 7th : simplification if username is email

Updated: 2020-01-07 03:29
description: In my CMSMS application, the whitelist and blacklist for CGFEURegister did'nt react correctly. I searched during a long time and finally found a bug in the class named "class.BlacklistRegistrationVerifier.php". For tests I made following blacklist in con => In my CMSMS application, the whitelist and blacklist for CGFEURegister did'nt react correctly. I searched during a long time and finally found a bug in the class named "class.BlacklistRegistrationVerifier.php". For tests I made following blacklist in con

Updated: 2020-01-06 05:15
description: In my CMSMS application, the whitelist and blacklist for CGFEURegister did'nt react correctly. I searched during a long time and finally found a bug in the class named "class.BlacklistRegistrationVerifier.php". For tests I made following blacklist in con => In my CMSMS application, the whitelist and blacklist for CGFEURegister did'nt react correctly. I searched during a long time and finally found a bug in the class named "class.BlacklistRegistrationVerifier.php". For tests I made following blacklist in con

Updated: 2020-01-06 05:05
assigned_to_id: 100 => 106

Updated: 2020-01-06 05:01
state: Closed => Open

Updated: 2020-01-06 04:58
state: Open => Closed

Updated: 2020-01-06 04:55
description: In my CMSMS application, the whitelist and blacklist for CGFEURegister did'nt react correctly. I searched during a long time and finally found a bug in the class named "class.BlacklistRegistrationVerifier.php". For tests I made following blacklist in con => In my CMSMS application, the whitelist and blacklist for CGFEURegister did'nt react correctly. I searched during a long time and finally found a bug in the class named "class.BlacklistRegistrationVerifier.php". For tests I made following blacklist in con

Updated: 2020-01-06 04:53
description: In my CMSMS application, the whitelist and blacklist for CGFEURegister did'nt react correctly. I searched during a long time and finally found a bug in the class named "class.BlacklistRegistrationVerifier.php". For tests I made following blacklist in con => In my CMSMS application, the whitelist and blacklist for CGFEURegister did'nt react correctly. I searched during a long time and finally found a bug in the class named "class.BlacklistRegistrationVerifier.php". For tests I made following blacklist in con
resolution_id: => 5
severity_id: 12 => 2