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[#12145] fe_edit doesn't get the images

Created By: Jack Skiba (nidus)
Date Submitted: Wed Sep 18 18:07:45 -0400 2019

Assigned To: Robert Campbell (calguy1000)
Version: 1.903
CMSMS Version: 2.2.11
Severity: Major
Resolution: Fixed
State: Open
fe_edit doesn't get the images
Detailed Description:
the file upload in the frontendform doesn't pass the file name (logo_location,
picture_location) the $_POST for those inputs are empty.
with latest jquerytools and {cgjs_require lib='ui, fileupload'} and
{cgjs_render} in the page header or at the page end (no difference)
jquery conflict with another module, resolved



Updated: 2019-09-22 22:22
description: the file upload in the frontendform doesn't pass the file name (logo_location, picture_location) the $_POST for those inputs are empty. with latest jquerytools and {cgjs_require lib='ui, fileupload'} and {cgjs_render} in the page header or at the page en => the file upload in the frontendform doesn't pass the file name (logo_location, picture_location) the $_POST for those inputs are empty. with latest jquerytools and {cgjs_require lib='ui, fileupload'} and {cgjs_render} in the page header or at the page en
resolution_id: => 7