

[#11765] typos (based on 1.22.2)

Created By: Martin Clayton (pinkelephant)
Date Submitted: Fri Mar 09 10:48:39 -0500 2018

Assigned To:
Version: None
CMSMS Version: None
Severity: None
Resolution: None
State: Open
Summary: typos (based on 1.22.2)
Detailed Description:
Hope this is the right place, suggested update...

<h3>What Does This Do?</h3>
<p>This module provides a simple way to process, and display images on your web
page.  It allows simple image processing, and watermarking.  This module makes
displaying processed images on your website trivial.  It also provides features
to improve the performance rating of your website, making your website powerful
and fast at the same time.</p>
<li>Powerful, but simple to use image filtering and processing. Filtering
    <li><strong>Crop To Fit</strong></li>
    <li><strong>Resize To Fit</strong></li>
    <li>Edge Detection</li>
    <li>Mean Removal</li>
    <li>Rounded Corners</li>
    <li>Selective Blur</li>
    <li>NOOP <em>(noop)</em></li>
<li><strong>Responsive image handling, with breakpoints</strong> - resize images
to be suitable for smaller devices such as mobile phones or tablets.</li>
<li>Smart detection of images.  Specify absolute URLS, absolute paths, or files
relative to your root installation.</li>
<li>Automatic downloading, caching, processing, and re-caching of images from
remote websites.</li>
<li>Smart automatic resizing (automatically resize to desired width and height
before serving the image... </li>
<li>Automatically reads image EXIF information and corrects the
<li>Image change detection, if the master image is changed scaled images will be
regenerated. (See the notimecheck parameter to disable this behavior).</li>
<li>Smart attribute generation for images.</li>
<li>Processed images are cached on the server for faster serving.</li>
<li>The ability to use a separate URL (CDN) for serving images</li>
<li>Image processes can be combined, and are executed in order.</li>
<li>Provides the ability to embed images directly into the content of the web
page to minimize space.</li>
<li>Provides the ability to limit embedding images smartly, only to browsers
that are capable of understanding them.</li>
<li>Combine commonly used arguments into named aliases.</li>
<li>Also works within stylesheets via the {cms_stylesheet} tag.</li>
<li>The ability to automatically process images inside a block of html code
using the {cgsi_convert} block tag.</li>
<li>The ability to extract images from a block of html code.</li>
<li>The ability to automatically resize uploaded images to a maximum edge
<h3>Why should I use it?</h3>
<p>There are four very important reasons to use this plugin:</p>
<li>Performance:  Using image embedding (even if no other functions are used)
results in fewer requests.  Most browsers only perform two to four simultaneous
requests to the same domain at the same time.  For web pages with lots of images
this can seriously slow down your site.</li>
<li>Performance:  Even if not using embedding, sending large images to your
visitors, and asking their browser to scale the image is very very slow.</li>
<li>Security:  CGSmartImage caches its images in a separate directory, thereby
hiding the original (perhaps copyrighted) images from your users.  If embedding
is used they can't even find the cached location)</li>
<li>Simplicity:  The filtering capabilities of CGSmartImage allow you to
automatically process images for consistent and secure display, without site
editors having to play with them.  They can upload larger images, and your site
will just handle them properly.</li>
<li>Reducing disk space: The automatic image processing option allows resizing
images to a maximum size, and deleting the original, this saves disk space when
users are uploading tonnes of images.</li>

<h3>Image Embedding</h3>
<p>Image embedding encodes the image into a data URI which is embedded
directly in the page (or stylesheet) content.  This reduces requests that the
browser must make to receive images from your site.  However it does increase
the size of the HTML page.  On image heavy pages you should mix the use of
embedded images.</p>
<h3>How do I use it?</h3>
<p>The simplest way to use this module is to use it in the same place you would
the {image} tag.  I.e: Something like <code style="color: blue;">{CGSmartImage
src='uploads/images/picture.jpg'}</code>.  This will generate the image tag for
you with no processing.  And if possible, embed the image directly into your
html output.</p>
<p>Often people want to display a watermark on the images that they display on
the frontend to prevent image theft.  The CGExtensions module provides settings
for you to configure watermarking and you can enable that with any image with a
tag like this: <code style="color: blue;">{CGSmartImage
src='uploads/images/picture.jpg' filter_watermark=1}</code>.  This will read the
image, apply the watermark according to the settings in CGExtensions, cache the
altered image, and then embed it into your output.</p>
<p>Also, Pictures taken by modern digital cameras are often too large for use on
a website, therefore they need to be scaled before displayed on your page.  This
can be done quite easily with a tag like: <code style="color:
blue;">{CGSmartImage src='uploads/images/picture.jpg' filter_watermark=1
filter_resize='w,350'}</code>.  As you may think, the watermark will be applied
to the image before it is resized to a maximum width of 300 pixels (retaining
aspect ratio).  Then the adjusted image will be cached, and if the browser
allows the image will be embedded into the HTML output.  If embedding is not
possible, the img tag will contain the URL to the cached image.</p>
<p>From here you can combine the options below to perform a lot of different
effects to your images, build simple galleries, and improve your site
performance at the same time.  Enjoy!</p>

<h3>Resizing the destination image to fit the tag.</h3>
<p>If you specify a width, and/or a height parameter, and do not specify the
&quot;noautoscale&quot; parameter, the module will analyze the filters you have
already specified, and if there is no resize filter already specified
automatically add a filter to resize or croptofit the image on output.  This is
useful to do automatic thumbnailing on the server, and not require the browser
to resize the image.</p>
<p>CGSmartImage will normally automatically fill the width and height attributes
of the generated img tag with the size of the image generated from the last
filter.  the noauto parameter can prevent this.</p>
<p><strong style="color: blue;">Tip:</strong> It is normally counter-productive
to specify both a resize/crop filter, AND a width/height attribute unless you
want to absolutely control the values of the width and height attributes on the
img tag.  In which case you should use the noauto parameter in the call to
<h3>A Simple Gallery</h3>
<p>The code below uses the {CGSmartImage} module, fancybox, and a bit of smarty
magic to generate a simple lightbox style album from a subdirectory on your
website, while processing the images for web standards, and creating
<pre style="background-color: #ddd; border: 1px solid black;"><code><span
style="color: red;"> 1:</span> &lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;{literal}
<span style="color: red;"> 2:</span> jQuery(document).ready(function(){
<span style="color: red;"> 3:</span>  jQuery('a.fancybox').fancybox();
<span style="color: red;"> 4:</span> });
<span style="color: red;"> 5:</span> {/literal}&lt;/script&gt;
<span style="color: red;"> 6:</span> {assign var='files'
<span style="color: red;"> 7:</span> {if count($files)}
<span style="color: red;"> 8:</span> &lt;div style="width: 100%; height: 150px;
overflow: auto;"&gt;
<span style="color: red;"> 9:</span> {foreach from=$files item='file'}
<span style="color: red;">10:</span>  &lt;a rel='simple_album' class="fancybox"
href="<span style="color: blue;">{CGSmartImage src=$file filter_rotate=90
filter_watermark=1 filter_resize='h,500' notag=1 noembed=1}</span>"&gt;
<span style="color: red;">11:</span>  <span style="color: blue;">{CGSmartImage
src=$file filter_rotate=90 filter_grayscale=1 filter_watermark=1
<span style="color: red;">12:</span>  &lt;/a&gt;
<span style="color: red;">13:</span> {/foreach}
<span style="color: red;">14:</span> &lt;/div&gt;
<span style="color: red;">15:</span> {/if}
<p>Let's talk about this.</p>
<p>Lines 1 through 5 utilize jQuery to call fancybox on any links that have the
&quot;fancybox&quot; class.  The fancybox jQuery plugin is included with the
JQueryTools module.</p>
<p>Line 6 uses a built in php function called glob, and some smarty magic to
find all of the JPG files in the uploads/album directory below our installation
<p>Line 7 is a test to see if any files were actually found in the assign line
stated above.  This if statement is closed on line 15.</p>
<p>Line 8 opens up a div to contain our album.  For the purposes of this example
the styles were included inline; however a class that was defined in the
stylesheet should be used in production environments.  The closing tag for this
div is on line 14, just before the <code>{/if}</code>.</p>
<p>Line 9 begins a loop through all of the files that we found in the directory.
This loop is closed on line 13.</p><br/>
<p>Lines 10 and 11 are the real magic.  Here we create a link with class
&quot;fancybox&quot; and adds the <code>rel</code> attribute so that fancybox
knows that all of these images should be grouped together as one album and allow
clicking between the images.  Then comes the part where we define our images.
<p>We supply the $file variable to the src argument of the
<code>{CGSmartImage}</code> tag so that it will get the name of each matched
jpeg as the loop is executed.</p>
<p>The images I was testing with were uploaded from my iPod, and all seemed to
be rotated 90 degrees counter clockwise.  So the first filter I added was to
rotate the image 90 degrees clockwise via the <code>filter_rotate=90</code>
argument. The images then needed to have the watermark on them <em>(this is just
for example purposes, I don't think anybody would really steal the blurry
pictures from my iPod for commercial purposes)</em>, so I added the
<code>filter_watermark=1</code> parameter.  And finally, because even the iPod
touch can take pictures that are too big to display on the screen I wanted to
resize them to a maximum height of 500 pixels.  This was accomplished via the
<code>filter_resize=h,500</code> argument.  We add the <code>noembed=1</code>
argument because fancybox does not understand how to display embedded images in
its popup window.  This defined the image that we were going to link to.</p>
<p>Next we needed to define the thumbnail image that we are going to use in the
gallery.  This call to <code>{CGSmartImage}</code> is almost identical to the
first call, except that we use a different height value (150 pixels) for the
thumbnail, and for kicks I converted the thumbnail to grayscale
<strong>before</strong> applying the watermark.  I also removed the noembed=1
argument so that the system could embed the image in the HTML output if the
browser supported it.  The screen capture below shows the effect.</p>
alt="Your browser does not support embedded images, sorry"/>

<h3>Responsive Images:</h3>
<div class="information"><strong>Note:</strong> Responsive image handling
changed in version 1.9.  A remote web service is no longer used.</div>
<p>CGSmartImage is capable of automatically scaling images down to a size that
is suitable for mobile devices.  This boosts performance by minimizing the image
size for mobile devices, and therefore improves performance and the general user
experience.  This action must be enabled in two ways:</p>
<li>Add <code>{CGSmartImage action=responsive}</code> just after the
<code>&lt;head&gt;</code> tag in your page template.
<p>This will output javascript that will detect the devices screen
resolution and pixel ratio, and create a cookie, and then redirect again back to
the same URL so that the server can get the cookie information.   The cookie is
set to expire in one year.   If the cookie does not exist, then CGSmartImage
cannot perform responsive image resizing.</p>
<li>Ensure that &quot;Responsive Images&quot; is enabled in the CGSmartImage
module admin panel.
<p>If disabled, the system will not perform responsive scaling.  Even if the
cookie exists from use of <code>{CGSmartImage action=responsive}</code></p>
<p>CGSmartImage allows specifying a comma separated list of breakpoints in the
admin panel.  If breakpoints are specified and the system found device
capabilities <em>(and responsive behavior is not disabled)</em> Then the system
will find the closest matching breakpoint to the device width and height and use
the breakpoint value to calculate a new maximum size for the image whilst still
retaining aspect ratio.</p>
<p>The detection of a mobile device, and enabling responsive behavior will
override the noautoscale parameter.  The responsive behavior can be disabled
either in the modules admin panel, or via the noresponsive parameter.</p>
<p>CGSmartImage is capable of detecting the dpr <em>(device pixel ratio)</em> of
mobile devices.  If not disabled, and a dpr higher than 1 is detected the
auto-scaled image size will be increased by the dpr of the device.  However the
output img tag width and height attributes will not.  This forces the browser
with a higher dpr to download a larger image, and squeeze it into the same size
box, thus giving a higher quality output.</p>

<p>Auto scaling is a feature that will adjust the output image size based on the
source image size, the device capabilities <em>(if responsive behavior is
enabled)</em>, breakpoints <em>(if enabled)</em>, the, the width and height
parameters, and the max_width and max_height parameters.  The system will
combine all of this information and adjust the max_width and max_height values
to the smallest possible values without effecting image aspect ratio.</p>
<p>If responsive functionality is enabled, and device capabilities are detected,
then autoscaling is forced to be active.</p>

<p>This module also works within stylesheets, if using the {cms_stylesheet} tag
in your page template.  Because the smarty syntax is slightly different inside
the {cms_stylesheet} tag you utilize the module using the [[ and ]] delimiters. 
i.e: <code style="color: blue;">div.header { background: url([[CGSmartImage
src='uploads/picture.jpg' notag=1]]); }</code></p>
<p>Because stylesheets are generated on modification and stored in the
filesystem there is no way to determine during the request which browser is
requesting the stylesheet, therefore embedding will be done strictly based upon
the presence of the noembed parameter.  If you have chosen to embed images
directly into your stylesheets, you may need to add additional stylesheet
support for the browsers that do not support embedded images.  i.e:  IE6.</p>

<h3>Automatic Processing:</h3>
<p>This module includes a smarty block tag called <code style="color:
blue;">{cgsi_convert}</code> that can surround a block of html, or other smarty
tags to allow automatic image processing.  This tag can be used like: (for
<pre><code style="color:
<p>This will allow your users to include images into pages using the normal
wysiwyg tools, and to have them automatically processed and embedded into the
page using the magic of {CGSmartImage}. i.e: See the following code:</p>
<pre><code style="color: blue;">{cgsi_convert filter_grayscale=1
<p>The above code will capture all image tags, and convert them to grayscale and
then apply the watermark (according to the settings in the CGExtensions module).
All of the parameters available to the <code style="color:
blue;">{CGSmartImage}</code> tag are available to this tag (for image scaling
etc.).  Additionally, two new parameters have been introduced:
<strong>max_width</strong> and <strong>max_height</strong> which can be used to
set a maximum size for images..</p>
<div style="margin-left: 3em;"><strong style="color: red;">Note:</strong>
<p>1. This tag parses the HTML content between the start and end tags to find
the <img> tags.  It then will output syntactically valid HTML for the subset of
code it was provided.  Therefore it is important that the snippet of HTML passed
to this tag be intact and as close to valid as possible.  <strong>Use with
<p>2.  image tags with the class &quot;nocgsi&quot; will be ignored by the
{cgsi_convert} tag..</p>

<h3>Multiple arguments:</h3>
<p>CGSmartImage supports a plethora of options and arguments.  Template layout
can be cleaned by using the <code>{cge_module_hint}</code> tag at the top of the
page template, or in the page metadata area such that parameters for all calls
CGSmartImage on a page are specified once.  Overriding the parameters for a
single call is still possible.</p>
<p>See the <code>{cge_module_hint}</code> tag in the CGExtensions help for more

<h3>Advanced Utilities:</h3>
   <li><code style="color: blue;">{cgsi_getimages}</code>
<p>A plugin to extract images from a block of HTML code for further
processing outside of CGSI.</p>
<li>imagesonly: the content returned will contain only &lt;img&gt;
tags.  All other tags will be removed.  Not applicable if the nocontent
parameter is specified.</li>
         <li>nocontent: do not output any content whatsoever.</li>
<li>assign: create an array representing all of the available
information for the found &lt;img&gt; tags and assign it to the named smarty
         <li>Remove all but the image tags in the enclosed HTML:<br/>
<pre><code style="color: blue;">{cgsi_getimages
<li>Return a list of the image tags in the enclosed HTML content, but
leave the content untouched:<br/>
<pre><code style="color: blue;">{cgsi_getimages
<li>Return a list of the image tags in the enclosed HTML content, and
do not output any of the original content:<br/>
<pre><code style="color: blue;">{cgsi_getimages assign='imageinfo'

<h3>Background Image Resizing</h3>
<p>If the CGMessageQueue module is installed and properly configured, then this
module has the ability to create background jobs that will automatically resize
all uploaded images to a maximum edge size.  This functionality is useful to
reduce disk space requirements, and to aide in performance.</p>
<p>Using the built in CMSMS pseudocron mechanism the system will periodically
scan for files that exceed the maximum size.  Then using a further asynchronous
process (the MessageQueue) matching files are slowly resized in batches, thus
minimizing impact on server resources.  Additionally, if a file is to be
resized, it can be auto-rotated, and watermarked.</p>

<p>The module author is in no way obligated to provide support for this code in
any fashion.  However, there are a number of resources available to help you
with it:</p>
<li>A bug tracking and feature request system has been created for this module
<a href="">here</a>.  Please
be verbose and descriptive when submitting bug reports and feature requests, and
for bug reports ensure that you have provided sufficient information to reliably
reproduce the issue.</li>
<li>Additional discussion of this module may also be found in the <a
href="">CMS Made Simple Forums</a>.  When
describing an issue please make an effort to provide all relevant information, a
thorough description of your issue, and steps to reproduce it or your discussion
may be ignored.</li>
<li>The author, calguy1000, can often be found in the <a
href="irc://">CMS IRC Channel</a>.</li>
<li>Lastly, you may have some success emailing the author directly.  However,
please use this as a last resort, and ensure that you have followed all
applicable instructions on the forge, in the forums, etc.</li>

<p><strong>Warning:</strong> This module is heavily dependent upon server
resources.  Performing filtering, or resizing of extremely large images, or
multiple images at one time may exceed the memory availability of your webserver
<em>(particularly on shared hosts)</em>.  While images are being initially
transformed, page load time may be increased.</p>
<p><strong style="color: blue;">Tip:</strong> when dealing with large images it
is important to try to reduce their size as early as possible in the filtering
process to minimize resource requirements.</p>
<p>This module makes extensive use of the GD Image processing library to do
image manipulation.  Additionally, the {cgsi_convert} plugin makes extensive use
of the simplexml and XMLDom classes built in to php.  There may be other
additional requirements.  If you are experiencing errors you should ensure that
error reporting is enabled, and that you have analyzed your error logs.</p>
<h3>Copyright and License</h3>
<p>Copyright &copy; 2008, Robert Campbel <a
All Rights Are Reserved.</p>
<p>This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.</p>
<p>However, as a special exception to the GPL, this software is distributed
as an addon module to CMS Made Simple.  You may not use this software
in any Non GPL version of CMS Made simple, or in any version of CMS
Made simple that does not indicate clearly and obviously in its admin
section that the site was built with CMS Made simple.</p>
<p>This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Or read it <a
