[#11125] add_icon and reset_icons options not showing up on admin_icons_tab
Updated: 2016-08-16 20:56
description: I made the bold assumption that lines 35 and 36 of admin_icons_tab.tpl were missing a '2' in the module name and changed:
{module_action_link module='CGGoogleMaps' action='... (2x)
{module_action_link module='CGGoogleMaps2' action='... (2x)
=> I made the bold assumption that lines 35 and 36 of admin_icons_tab.tpl were missing a '2' in the module name and changed:
{module_action_link module='CGGoogleMaps' action='... (2x)
{module_action_link module='CGGoogleMaps2' action='... (2x)
Updated: 2016-08-16 20:56
description: I made the bold assumption that lines 35 and 36 of admin_icons_tab.tpl were missing a '2' in the module name and changed:
{module_action_link module='CGGoogleMaps' action='... (2x)
{module_action_link module='CGGoogleMaps2' action='... (2x)
=> I made the bold assumption that lines 35 and 36 of admin_icons_tab.tpl were missing a '2' in the module name and changed:
{module_action_link module='CGGoogleMaps' action='... (2x)
{module_action_link module='CGGoogleMaps2' action='... (2x)
Updated: 2016-08-16 20:56
description: I made a bold assumption that lines 35 and 36 of admin_icons_tab.tpl were missing a '2' in the module name and changed:
{module_action_link module='CGGoogleMaps' action='... (2x)
{module_action_link module='CGGoogleMaps2' action='... (2x)
I => I made the bold assumption that lines 35 and 36 of admin_icons_tab.tpl were missing a '2' in the module name and changed:
{module_action_link module='CGGoogleMaps' action='... (2x)
{module_action_link module='CGGoogleMaps2' action='... (2x)
resolution_id: => 5