

[#10598] attributes width, height of imagetag are not properly scaled, if using filter_resize

Created By: Ludger Merkens (lume)
Date Submitted: Mon Aug 17 06:06:11 -0400 2015

Assigned To:
Version: 1.20.2
CMSMS Version: 1.12
Severity: Minor
Resolution: None
State: Open
attributes width, height of imagetag are not properly scaled, if using filter_resize
Detailed Description:
If you use {CGSmartImage src="somefilename" filter_resize="w,480"} to rescale
the image proportionally, the generated image (on file) is scaled properly, the
dimension given (in this example the width) is also correct, but the second
dimension (height) doesn't reflect the new size. E.g. if you have an image with
original dimensions 960x720px and scale to "w,480" the resulting imagetag will
read like

<img width=480 height=720 src=.../>  (height=360 would be correct) resulting in
a non proportional distorted display of the image.

This distorsion will also occur, when using the embed feature of {CGSmartImage}.
I had to work around this problem by using the notag=1 parameter and omitting
the with, hight attributes in the image tag.

thanks for you efforts and best regards
Ludger Merkens



Updated: 2015-08-17 06:07
summary: attributes width, height of imageta are not properly scaled, if using filter_resize => attributes width, height of imagetag are not properly scaled, if using filter_resize
resolution_id: => 5