

[#10550] ListIT2FEEdit does not work under CMSms 1.12

Created By: Reinhard Mohr (reinhardmohr)
Date Submitted: Mon Jun 08 08:57:13 -0400 2015

Assigned To: Prue Rowland (psy)
Version: 1.3
CMSMS Version: 1.12
Severity: Critical
Resolution: None
State: Open
ListIT2FEEdit does not work under CMSms 1.12
Detailed Description:
I use ListIt2FEEdit together with ListIt2 under CMSms 1.12 – with the workaround
for ListIt2 described on the forum:

I couldn't get ListIt2FEEdit to work under 1.12 (but it worked very well under
1.11.6 – thanks!). So I added a description in the forum under the thread above.
But I was sent over by Jo Morg to submit this as a bug. Here I repeat my forum

I had updated a website to 1.12. I was relying on ListIt2 there – so the
workaround saved me. But then I installed ListIt2FEEdit. Only to notice that it
doesn't work, either.
Whenever I call a page with the ListIt2FEEdit tag in it I get a smarty console
error saying:
ERROR: at line 127 in file


Unable to load template file

I am not a programmer – so I tried three or four times to transfer this line
from the above mentioned workaround
------ removed by moderator -------

somewhere over to one of ListIt2FEEdit files. Of course with no success …

Is there any chance to find a workaround for ListIt2FEEdit like for ListIt2
itself? So I could at least upgrade CMSms and all the modules to the latest
version and wait until 2.0 is stable.

Here is my system information:
Cms Version: [b]1.12[/b]
Installed Modules:
CMSMailer: [b]5.2.2[/b]
FileManager: [b]1.4.5[/b]
MenuManager: [b]1.8.6[/b]
ModuleManager: [b]1.5.8[/b]
FileBackup: [b]0.5[/b]
Search: [b]1.7.12[/b]
ThemeManager: [b]1.1.8[/b]
TemplateExternalizer: [b]2.1.6[/b]
CGExtensions: [b]1.48[/b]
Gallery: [b]1.4.1[/b]
CGExtensions: [b]1.48[/b]
jQuery: [b]1.2.0[/b]
AceEditor: [b]1.0[/b]
FrontEndUsers: [b]1.28.3[/b]
CustomContent: [b]1.10[/b]
MysqlDump: [b]1.3.1[/b]
CMSPrinting: [b]1.0.5[/b]
News: [b]2.15.1[/b]
MicroTiny: [b]1.2.9[/b]
CGJobMgr: [b]1.3.4[/b]
ListIt2ReinhardsAkkordeon: [b]1.4.1[/b]
JM_Forum: [b]1.0.0[/b]
ListIt2: [b]1.4.1[/b]
JQueryFU: [b]1.1.0[/b]
CGSimpleSmarty: [b]1.9[/b]
ListIt2XDefs: [b]1.2[/b]
FormBuilder: [b][/b]
SiteMapMadeSimple: [b]1.2.8[/b]
ListIt2Amazon: [b]1.0[/b]
ListIt2DoubleList: [b]1.0.3[/b]
ListIt2FEEdit: [b]1.3[/b]
ListIt2XLink: [b]1.0.2[/b]

Config Information:
php_memory_limit: [b][/b]
process_whole_template: [b][/b]
max_upload_size: [b]32000000[/b]
url_rewriting: [b]mod_rewrite[/b]
page_extension: [b].html[/b]
query_var: [b]page[/b]
image_manipulation_prog: [b]GD[/b]
auto_alias_content: [b]true[/b]
locale: [b]de_DE.UTF-8[/b]
default_encoding: [b]utf-8[/b]
admin_encoding: [b]utf-8[/b]
set_names: [b]true[/b]

Php Information:
phpversion: [b]5.6.9[/b]
md5_function: [b]An[/b] (Ja)
gd_version: [b]2[/b]
tempnam_function: [b]An[/b] (Ja)
magic_quotes_runtime: [b]Aus[/b] (Nein)
E_STRICT: [b]0[/b]
E_DEPRECATED: [b]0[/b]
memory_limit: [b]128M[/b]
max_execution_time: [b]Keine Beschränkung[/b]
output_buffering: [b]An[/b]
safe_mode: [b]Aus[/b] (Nein)
file_uploads: [b]An[/b] (Ja)
post_max_size: [b]48M[/b]
upload_max_filesize: [b]32M[/b]
session_save_path: [b]/var/tmp[/b] (1733)
session_use_cookies: [b]An[/b] (Ja)
xml_function: [b]An[/b] (Ja)
xmlreader_class: [b]An[/b] (Ja)

Server Information:
Server Api: [b]cgi-fcgi[/b]
Server Db Type: [b]MySQL (mysql)[/b]
Server Db Version: [b]5.5.43[/b]
Server Db Grants: [b]Es konnte keine "GRANT ALL" Berechtigung gefunden werden.
Dies kann bedeuten, dass Sie bei der Installation oder Entfernen von Modulen
Probleme haben könnten. Oder sogar beim Hinzufügen und Löschen von Elementen,
einschließlich Seiten[/b]
Server Time Diff: [b]Keine Abweichung der Zeit im Dateisystem gefunden[/b]


Thanks a lot for helping – and thanks for the module. Where it works it‘‚ great.



Date: 2015-08-06 06:05
Posted By: Geoff Meads (PrestoAV)

I'm also experiencing this error (using CMSMS 1.12 / Listit2 with fix by Jo Morg
( and FEE 1.3 (also
tried FEE 1.1)

Is there any likelihood of  fix for this? I'm in the middle of a build so only
option (I guess) is to roll back to CMSMS v1.11 :-(


Error on adding a edit item link in a detail template:

{ListIt2FEEdit mod=$mod->GetName() item_id=$item->item_id}

Error shows as

'Unable to load template file

I've checked and both $mod->GetName()  and $item->item_id deliver the correct
values when out into the template on their own.

System info:

Cms Version: [b]1.12[/b]
Installed Modules:
CMSMailer: [b]5.2.2[/b]
CMSPrinting: [b]1.0.5[/b]
FileManager: [b]1.4.5[/b]
MenuManager: [b]1.8.6[/b]
MicroTiny: [b]1.2.9[/b]
ModuleManager: [b]1.5.8[/b]
SiteMapMadeSimple: [b]1.2.8[/b]
Search: [b]1.7.12[/b]
ThemeManager: [b]1.1.8[/b]
CMSForms: [b]1.11.2[/b]
Twitter: [b]2.0.4[/b]
CGExtensions: [b][/b]
FormBuilder: [b][/b]
FormBrowser: [b]0.4.2[/b]
SEOTools2: [b]1.2.1[/b]
CGFeedMaker: [b]1.0.20[/b]
CGBlog: [b]1.12.8[/b]
ListIt2: [b]1.4.1[/b]
JQueryTools: [b]1.2.6[/b]
CMSDumper: [b]1.3[/b]
CGSmartImage: [b]1.17[/b]
Gallery: [b]2.0.2[/b]
XMLMadeSimple: [b]0.1.2[/b]
ListIt2Adverts: [b]1.4.1[/b]
FrontEndUsers: [b]1.26[/b]
ListIt2FEEdit: [b]1.3[/b]

Config Information:
php_memory_limit: [b][/b]
process_whole_template: [b][/b]
max_upload_size: [b]32000000[/b]
url_rewriting: [b]mod_rewrite[/b]
page_extension: [b][/b]
query_var: [b]page[/b]
image_manipulation_prog: [b]GD[/b]
auto_alias_content: [b]true[/b]
locale: [b][/b]
default_encoding: [b]utf-8[/b]
admin_encoding: [b]utf-8[/b]
set_names: [b]true[/b]

Php Information:
phpversion: [b]5.4.4[/b]
md5_function: [b]On[/b] (True)
gd_version: [b]2[/b]
tempnam_function: [b]On[/b] (True)
magic_quotes_runtime: [b]Off[/b] (False)
E_STRICT: [b]2048[/b]
E_DEPRECATED: [b]8192[/b]
memory_limit: [b]128M[/b]
max_execution_time: [b]30[/b]
output_buffering: [b]On[/b]
safe_mode: [b]Off[/b] (False)
file_uploads: [b]On[/b] (True)
post_max_size: [b]32M[/b]
upload_max_filesize: [b]32M[/b]
session_save_path: [b]/Applications/MAMP/tmp/php[/b] (0775)
session_use_cookies: [b]On[/b] (True)
xml_function: [b]On[/b] (True)
xmlreader_class: [b]On[/b] (True)

Server Information:
Server Api: [b]apache2handler[/b]
Server Db Type: [b]MySQL (mysqli)[/b]
Server Db Version: [b]5.5.25[/b]
Server Db Grants: [b]Found a "GRANT ALL" statement that appears to be
Server Time Diff: [b]No filesystem time difference found[/b]


Thanks in advance!