Extended Content Blocks 2


[#12771] The ability to use Smarty tags.

Created By: Mirko Speelman (masterbe)
Date Submitted: 2025-01-12 16:24

Assigned To: Chris Taylor (chrisbt)
Resolution: None
State: Open
The ability to use Smarty tags.
Detailed Description:
I am experimenting with this option to create responsive blocks in order to
build a website template generator using ECB2.

{content_module module=ECB2 field=textarea label='Textarea' block=test6 rows=3
cols=100 default='a sample textarea'}

Is it possible to use Smarty tags an put them in the textfield?
For example,  	{FormBuilder form='contact'} , {gallery}, etc. 

Best regards,


Date: 2025-01-12 17:14
Posted By: Chris Taylor (chrisbt)

Hi Mirko,

Yup very easily.

Just assign the textfield value to a Smarty variable, then 'eval' that variable.
That what Smarty will parse the contents of the variable. e.g.
{content_module module=ECB2 field=textarea label='Textarea' block=test6 rows=3
cols=100 default='a sample textarea' assign=sample_textarea}
{eval var=sample_textarea}

Updated: 2025-01-12 16:28
description: I am experimenting with this option to create responsive blocks in order to build a website template generator using ECB2. {content_module module=ECB2 field=textarea label='Textarea' block=test6 rows=3 cols=100 default='a sample textarea'} Is it pos => I am experimenting with this option to create responsive blocks in order to build a website template generator using ECB2. {content_module module=ECB2 field=textarea label='Textarea' block=test6 rows=3 cols=100 default='a sample textarea'} Is it pos

Updated: 2025-01-12 16:25
description: I am experimenting with this option to create responsive blocks in order to build a website template generator using ECB2. {content_module module=ECB2 field=textarea label='Textarea' block=test6 rows=3 cols=100 default='a sample textarea'} Is it p => I am experimenting with this option to create responsive blocks in order to build a website template generator using ECB2. {content_module module=ECB2 field=textarea label='Textarea' block=test6 rows=3 cols=100 default='a sample textarea'} Is it pos
resolution_id: => 5