MOD - CGblogs
Get a url to a blog.. Great for references and linking article to article.{modslack Func=GetCGBlogArticleUrl param1='22' param2='15' assign=aURL}
•param1 is a id number or the title of the blog
•param2 is a id number for the detailpage.News_next_prev
MOD - News
Get the next article in line.. Set with out out cats, get text for the links.{modslack Func=News_next_prev param1=$entry->postdate param2=$entry->category}
{if $news_next_url!=''}<h6 class="nextarrow"><a href="{$news_next_url}" title="{$news_next_text}" id="NextArt">Next Article</a></h6>{/if}
{if $news_prev_url!=''}<h6 class="prevarrow"><a href="{$news_prev_url}" title="{$news_prev_text}" id="PrevArt">Previous Article</a></h6>{/if}