Final release of the 1.1.3/1.2 series here's the list of changes and enhancements:
*elijahlofgren - Fixes to captcha support, and some template cleanups.
* Add support for multi select lists
* Template cleanups (more of em)
* Add support for value=key stuff in the dropdown and multi select lists.
* Better checking of the "at least one group required" stuff
* Output more smarty variables on the user settings page, to allow people to modify the template to something that is more accessibile
* Split into more files for performance
* You can now not delete a group that still has users
* Now handle regex problems better in the admin section users tab
* Email fields, when specified as optional, make em actually optional
* Add support for image uploads, this is a big feature. Images are scaled to a maximum size in one dimension, and stored as files in a configurable directory under the uploads_path.
* Captcha mode is now on by default, unless you use the nocaptcha parameter in the tag.
* Fixes to CSV export... it was assuming the db_prefix is cms_
* Import Users from CSV
* Fixes to the install and uninstall methods, and now the allow_repeated_logins preference should work
* Adds proper user history tracking. Now track failed logins, logins, expiries, and logouts, on a per user basis.
* Fixes to the cancel button of the user settings page, if the user settings form is on a different page.
* Fixes to the cancel button of the forgot password page, if the forgot password form is on a different page.
* Minor fixes to behaviour of the preferences panels.