What does this do?

This plugin displays a random image from a directory on a page where you use the {random_image} tag.

CMS Made Simple release 1.11
At least that is what I am using, although it should work with older versions
How do I use it?

You could insert it into your template or page like this:

{random_image image_path="uploads/images/Gallery/somegallery/" exclude="thumb" image_height="400" image_width="300"}
What parameters does it take?

image_path="" (Required)

Path to the directory containing the pictures you want to possibly show. This is relative to your cmsms install.

image_height="" (Optional)

image_width="" (Optional)

exclude="" (Optional)

Give (a part of) a file name you do not want to include in the possible image being displayed.

Other things

The image returned is displayed in a div class="display_image". You can style this if needed in your stylesheet.