Set $config['url_rewriting'] to 'mod_rewrite' (apache) or 'internal' (other) in config.php. Optionally, set up the url rewriting. Refer documentation how to do that.

Module makes you automatic routes using "Page Alias" content property. With this module, your links doesn't need exactly fit to page urls any more. The additional parts of requested url will be add to $_GET array and set as smarty variable. Module supports named (associative) parameters too by adding path parts starting with "-".
Create new content. Then set the Page URL to specified values. You can test arguments by printing values at content body for example: {$arg1}

Some examples:

Page Alias (content property): mysubpage
Page URL: mypage/mysubpage
Extra Page Attribute 1: cat,id1,id2
If the requested URL is: mypage/mysubpage/cat1/1/2/extravar
then the content will match and you will have the following smarty variables:
{$cat} = cat1, {$id1} = 1, {$id2} = 2, {$arg5} = extravar

Page Alias (content property): mysubpage
Page URL (content property): mypage/mysubpage
If the requested URL is: mypage/mysubpage/cat1/1/2
then the content will match and you will have the following smarty variables:
{$arg2} = cat1, {$arg3} = 1, {$arg4} = 2

Page Alias (content property): mysubpage
Page URL (content property): mypage/mysubpage/-cat/-id1/-id2
If the requested URL is: mypage/mysubpage/cat1/1/2/extravar
then the content will match and you will have the following smarty variables:
{$cat} = cat1, {$id1} = 1, {$id2} = 2, {$arg5} = extravar

Page Alias (content property): mysubpage
Page URL (content property): mypage/mysubpage
If the requested URL is: mypage/mysubpage/1/2/3/4
then the content will match and you will have the following smarty variables:
{$arg2} = 1, {$arg3} = 2, {$arg4} = 3, {$arg5} = 4

Page Alias (content property): mysubpage
Page URL (content property): mypage/-id1/-id2/-id3
If the requested URL is: mypage/mysubpage/1
then the content will match and you will have the following smarty variables:
{$id1} = 1, {$id2} = '', {$id3} = ''

Insert this smarty code to the content:

{foreach from=$arg key="key" item="val"}
${if is_numeric($key)}arg{/if}{$key}:

You will see which smarty variables has been set up to current url.

Easy way to use pretty urls. No coding needed.