Display pagination on a fixed position
Increase default select limit to 50
Display SQL edit form on Ctrl+click on the select query
Display SQL history from newest
Recover original view, trigger, routine if creating fails
Do not store plain text password to history in creating user
Selectable ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP field in create table
Open database to a new window after selecting it with Ctrl
Clear column name after resetting search (bug #3601200)
Explain partitions in SQL query (bug #3600150)
Allow loading more data with inline edit (bug #3605531)
Stay on the same page after deleting rows (bug #3605845)
Respect checked tables in export filename (bug #3245464)
Respect PHP configuration max_input_vars
Fix unsetting permanent login after logout
Disable autocapitalize in identifiers on mobile browsers
MySQL: Compatibility with MySQL 5.6
MySQL: Move ALTER export to plugin
MySQL: Use numeric time zone in export
MySQL: Link processlist documentation
SQLite: Export indexes