Even more features including COMMA-SEPARATED KEYWORDS!

Outputs robots.txt file to the root directory regardless where CMSMS is installed.
Ability to include custom rules before and after the standard CMSMS robots.txt rules.
Assigning a module custom field to Smarty with the same var name as the SEOTools2 block name for the meta description in module detail pages eg News, Products, CGBlog etc, automatically replaces the page meta description without needing to edit the page template. (Thanks Chris).
You can nominate a Smarty var that contains keywords from module custom field on a detail page eg News, Products, CGBlog etc, that will automatically replace the page keywords without needing to edit the page template.
Automatically inserts tag regardless whether specified as a parameter in the SEOTools2 tag. (Thanks uniqu3).
When both {SEOTools2} and {metadata} tags exist in the page template, ensures only one tag is output.
Uses COMMA-SEPARATED keyword lists! Upgrade will convert existing space-separated lists. (Thanks to all who requested this feature).
All SEOTools2 db functions occur in the admin section to help speed up frontend page load.
Newly created pages automatically added to site map.
Inactive pages changed to Active automatically reinstated in site map.
Bug fix for og:image tag (Thanks Chris and swarfega)
Bug fix in db query (Thanks Michael)