Core - General
- BR #12529 - Cacheable Pages have Bad Header Last-Modified;
- BR #12543 - Lib file corrections;
- BR #12618 - HasChildren() is broken;
- BR #12587 - can't uninstall modules;
- Compatibility fixes for PHP 7, 8.0 and 8.1;
- Smarty upgraded to version 4.2.1;
Note: Smarty 2 syntax is still supported, but deprecated
- Add function CMSMS\strftime to replace deprecated PHP function. PHP Intl extension recommended to support this.
- Enabled use of PHP functions trim,ltrim,rtrim in smarty templates
- PHPMailer upgraded to version 6.6.0.
- fixes BR #12529 Cacheable Pages have Bad Header Last-Modified;
- added module's support for arrays in parameters;
- Fixes to cms_mailer class mainly in terms of proxy design pattern getters and setters and autotls settings;
- Smarty security policies changes: due to some modifications in the way updated Smarty now behaves, all static classes need to be registered for its use to be allowed in templates.
Content Manager 1.1.10
- Differentiate new page from cloned page.
- Compatibility fixes for PHP 7, 8.0 and 8.1.
Design Manager 1.1.10
- BR #12545 - Module: DesignManager typo info on top file.
- fixes typo BR #12545
- Compatibility fixes for PHP 7, 8.0 and 8.1.
FilePicker 1.0.6
- BR #12539 - Module FilePicker 1.0.5 files corrections.
- Compatibility fixes for PHP 7, 8.0 and 8.1.
Module Manager 2.1.9
- BR #12541 - Module ModuleManager 2.1.8 : corrections + compatible php 7.1.0 to 8.1.4.
News 2.51.12
- BR #12543 - Lib file corrections.
- Compatibility fixes for PHP 7, 8.0 and 8.1.
FileManager 1.6.13
- Compatibility fixes for PHP 7, 8.0 and 8.1.