Significantly refactored module, to enable future development of the module and simplify use. Is fully compatible with all previous usage. Please report any issues you may find.
- Expanded help content, with example tags and demo content blocks for all field types.
- Some field types have been renamed, to make their use more obvious. All previous field types are fully supported as an alias for the new field name
- 'textinput' field replaces 'input', field=input is a fully supported alias
- 'textarea' field replaces 'editor', with a wysiwyg option added (default=false). field=editor is a fully supported alias
- 'dropdown' field now replaces 'dropdown_from_module', 'dropdown_from_udt', 'dropdown_from_customgs' & 'dropdown_from_gbc', plus has a new alias 'select'. A new 'template' parameter enables dropdown values to be retrieved from a smarty template ('gcb' parameter is as alias). A sample LISE module template added into help
- 'checkbox' - added an inline_label option
- 'radio' - added 'flip_values' option - swaps the dropdowns values <-> text
- 'date_time_picker' field replaces 'datepicker' and 'timepicker' with both fully supported as aliases
- parameter 'default' now used instead of 'default_value', ('default_value' parameter is an alias) - for all fields that can have a default
- 'page_picker', renamed from the now alias: 'pages'
- 'module_picker', renamed from the now alias: 'module'
- 'admin_fieldset_start', renamed from the now alias: 'fieldset_start'
- 'admin_fieldset_end', renamed from the now alias: 'fieldset_end'
- 'admin_hr', renamed from the now alias: 'hr'
- 'admin_image', renamed from the now alias: 'image'
- 'admin_link', renamed from the now alias: 'link'
- 'admin_module_link', renamed from the now alias: 'module_link'
- 'admin_text', renamed from the now alias: 'text'
- added sample LISE template into help
- add in module 'Manage' permissions for access to module admin page
- admin_image - bug fix
- about tweaks
- admin_image - error message added if image file not found plus add in sample image for help page