Version 2.2.14 - T'Sou-ke
Core - General
- BR #12280 - Add Shortcut from Shortcuts modal broken.
- Fixes to the class.CmsAdminThemeBase.php regarding main sections title and breadcrumbs generation.
- Explicitly add function_exists and getimagesize functions to the allowed functions in PHP secure mode.
- Improved Error Console template.
- Site Prefs, remove submit confirmation.
- System Maintenance, remove confirmation update page hierarchy positions and routes.
- cms_http_request PHP 7.4 fix "Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated".
- Backend users, fixed the bulk actions.
- BR #12172 - CronJobTrait undefined constants.
- BR #12227 - Stored Cross-Site Scripting. Minor, because it can only be performed by a person that has access rights to the Admin panel.
- BR #12272 - Internal page link - selecting destination page problem.
AdminSearch v1.0.5
- Remove click thru warning.
CMSContentManager v1.1.9
- Fix notices in edit content template.
- Fix notice in default admin view.
DesignManager v1.1.8
- BR #12225 - Reflected Cross-Site Scripting. Minor, because it can only be performed by a person that has access rights to the Admin panel.
FileManager v1.6.11
- Don’t disable advanced mode on upgrade.
- Fix adding double // in site root link.
- BR #12215 - FileManager 1.6.10 crashes when trying to rename a file.
- BR #12224 - Reflected Cross-Site Scripting. Minor, because it can only be performed by a person that has access rights to the Admin panel.
News v2.51.9
- Minor code fix.
- Alert on unapproved articles disabled by default. Enable at Settings >> Options tab.
- BR #12207 - Can't display image in news when using upload field.
- BR #12228 - Stored Cross-Site Scripting. Minor, because it can only be performed by a person that has access rights to the Admin panel.
Phar Installer v1.3.9
- PHP 7.4 fix "Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated".
- PHP 7.4 fix "Function get_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated".
Search v1.51.8
- PHP 7.4 fix "Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated".