Version 1.0 "Hawaii" -- In Beta

* Events

A workflow system. Events are generated either by the core, or by a module
and can be handled either by other modules, or by User Defined Tags. The
administrator can add, remove, or re-order any of the event handlers
for a particular event. This functionality allows site administrators to
add custom behavior and workflow to their system that have not been
coded directly into the core or into other third party modules.

For example, with a simple user defined Tag, it is now possible for
a news article to automatically be added whenever a file is uploaded
in the Uploads module.

* Search

A brand new search module has been written that allows indexing of content,
excluding certain words, and unlimited customization. It is possible for
third party module developers to write some code into their modules to
allow searching of module content.

* Module Manager

The module manager allows querying, and installing of modules hosted
on a remote server. The Module Manager allows an administrator to
see the help, and about information, the dependencies, and other
details of a module before downloading it.

* Module List Improvements

The Module list as been optimized and some new functionality added:
- Core modules can no longer be exported to XML
- Only installed third party modules can be exported to XML
- There is an option to completely remove all of the module files
after a module has been uninstalled (if sufficient permissions exist).
- A check is done for permissions to indicate that there may be a
problem removing the files.

* Improved Installer

The installer has been given some tweaks, and some additional checks
to hopefully ward off some of the more common installation issues, and
to ensure that most of the functionality of CMS will work properly
after installation.

* Simplified Default Stylesheets

The default stylesheets have been simplified and documented, so that
it is (hopefully) easier for somebody to start modifying their site
given the standard stylesheets

* Improved default templates and content

The default templates and content have been improved in appearance and
in content, and thoroughly documented.

* Improved content list

Content list has been given an overhaul:
- Active, Default, Collapse and Move buttons now work via AJAX calls
for faster response.
- A drag and drop reodering system
- Reordering boxes for the css/javascript impaired

* AJAX Content Preview

The preview has been moved to a tab and will update as soon as you click
on it.

* Admin interface improvements

The appearance of the admin interface has been improved significantly.
There are now help links in each module and in other core locations that
will link back to the wiki.

* New default layouts

tested with all major browsers (including Internet Explorer 7 beta 3)
Styles and templates now have comments so editing is easier
sample stylesheets for handheld devices and print

* Improved plugins

The image, cms_selflink, anchor, breadcrumbs, and other plugins have all
been improved, and other plugins added, such as "recently_updated"

* New System Modules

nuSOAP and CMSMailer are now included in the default install, since so
many modules rely on them for basic functionality.

* Upgraded smarty to 2.6.14

* Upgrade ADODB Lite

CMSMS doesn't require that adodb or adodb lite be modified anymore. If you need a different
version, just download from their site and you're good to go.


Modules that use timestamps, or that use the RowCount() method in CMS 0.13 or
earlier, will need to be upgraded. This accounts for a large majority of modules and
hopefully new versions of most modules will be out by the final release.

* Some of the bigger bugs that were fixed

- Fixed a bug in the metadata tag where showbase would default to false, even when
it should be true
- Fixed a bug with displaying a few admin images
- Fixed most of the -- Add Me -- messages when using other languages besides the default
one for that module
- Fixed bug with IIS support
- Fixed bug with stylesheet display in postgres
- Fixed bug where content type changes wouldn't stick