Version 2.0.1 - Adelaide
Core - General
- Improved optimization in ContentOperations::SetAllHierarchyPositions.
- Fixed return type of ContentOperations::GetPageIdFromAlias().
- Help for the {cms_html_options} plugin.
- Change the default page template to use {Navigator}.
- Explicitly force $smarty->fetch() to create a new template, and therefore a new scope. Keep track of scopes in a stack.
- Change prototype to CMSModule::DoActionBase to pass in the current template object.
- SITENAME is now assigned as a Smarty global.
(fixes some variable scope issues)
- Fix problem with changing content types.
- Fix problem with CmsLayoutTemplateQuery wrt the editable option, that generated an SQL error.
(resolves problems where people have additional editor access to templates, but no other design manager permissions).
- Fix minor JavaScript errors in plugin (error checking).
- Fix problems where If assign was passed to a {content} tag, do not pass it to the module on a mact request.
- Implements the completely forgotten 403 exception stuff and the IsPermitted content method.
- Improve the cmsms_dirtyform jQuery plugin to support the unload handler and an onUnload callback.
- Fixed the jQuery page selector plugin when the current value points to an invalid page, and fixes for asynchronous Ajax.
- Adds a globally available cms_busy() JavaScript function for the Admin.
- Fix problem with html entitites in email addresses in user settings.
- Fix problem with {content cssname=string} and quotes.
- Chaged cmsms plugins to use $smarty->getTemplateVars() instead of $smarty->get_template_vars() because of scope issues.
- Minor fix to {form_start} when not used in a module.
- Improved error handling for cms_stylesheet. Now will generate a message in the admin log, and an html comment on error.
- Minor fixes for module provided content blocks for Content type pages.
CMSContentManager v1.0.1
- Fixes for changing content types.
- Adds a title for some contextual help if a template is not available for a content item.
- Clear any locks if an exception occurred while submitting a content item.
- Improvements to error handling with apply and preview.
- Content list now refreshes every 30 seconds to display up-to-date lock information.
DesignManager v1.0.1
- Clear the type_default flag when copying a template.
- Clear any locks if an exception occurred while submitting a template.
- Clear any locks if an exception occurred while submitting a stylesheet.
- Template and stylesheet lists now refresh every 30 seconds to display up-to-date lock information.
- Fixes for design exporting templates with protocol-less URLs in them.
MenuManager v1.50.1
- Changes to createSmartyTemplate calls (now use $smarty->get_template_parent()).
Navigator v1.0.1
- Changes to createSmartyTemplate calls (now use $smarty->get_template_parent()).
- Minor change to the help ($node->children_exist)
Search v1.50.1
- Changes to createSmartyTemplate calls (now use $smarty->get_template_parent()).
News v2.50.1
- Changes to createSmartyTemplate calls (now use $smarty->get_template_parent()).
- Fix problem with custom fields not being assigned in fesubmit.
- Fix minor problem with html entities in the detailtempalte parameter.
FileManager v1.5.1
- Fix minor problem with Smarty scope in the drop zone.