Fixed #6357 - Duplicate Form Aliases Allowed;
Fixed #6536 - "Javascript for field" not included in input for "Validate-via-Email Address";
Fixed #6640 - TextFieldExpandable: incorrect output when only one value;
Fixed #7063 - UDT validation doesn't work properly with standard validation;
Fixed #7886 - Call to a member function Type() on a non-object at CatalogerItemsField.class.php:90;
Fixed #8691 - UDT validation doesn't work properly with standard validation;
Fixed #9637 - Fatal error on Form with Email results field - Object of class fbDispositionFromEmailAddressField could not be converted to string;
Fixed #9976 - Checkbox does not get auto ticked when using value_fldNUMBER" and "value_FIELDNAME";
Fixed #10229 - fixes validation of emails; fixes the appearance of html entities if the form doesn't validate;
Fixed #10260 - Textarea clear default on click && {strip} not working;
Feature Request #10117 - Add directive REQUIRED in nHTML5;
Feature Request #10268 - HTML5 placeholder for "*Email "From Address" Field, and send copy";
Fixed Show textfield in CheckboxExtendedField class;
Fixes to DispositionEmail related with uploaded files and attachments. Now we can properly separate the path, the url and the filename. Probably fixes a bunch of old issues;
Fixes multiple pages uploads;
Improvements to DatePicker and TimePicker;
The "Use relaxed email validation" preference is removed, emails just have to pass validation;
Some preferences are moved to the private config; might be definitely removed/hardcoded in a future version;
Updates for HTML5