- Adding new action: archive.
- Introducing new param style.
- Implementing item cache.
- Adding possibility to overwrite admin templates in instance context, overwrite order: module_custom -> instance -> framework.
- Fixes issue with $return_link and $return_url variables. Now correctly returns to proper default action. PrettyURL support enabled. Removing $return_href variable.
- Adding size property for MultiSelect and Categories fields.
- Adding filter_month and filter_year.
- Reserving namespace ListIt2. Adding IDT class. Help section partially on remote content now with caching. Adding namespace support to internal autoloader.
- Adding missing integration columns key1-3 to CategoryOperations save process.
- Active category object is assigned to smarty in all frontend actions, instead of default action only.
- Hooking module to ContentPostCompile event. With option allows autoscan based on content compilation. Makes moving site to client location easier. Might cause performance peak, so use with caution. Partial solution to FR#9810
- Adding failsafe text to mod description field.
- Removed GetItemById() and GetItemByAlias() methods from API
- Category $category->depth automatically calculated into object. Reduces template logic.
- ListIt2Loader no longer attemts to grab default instance from template but handles it internally, so cases where CGSmartImage caused collapse aint possible anymore.
- All fatal errors handled with exceptions. CMSMS catches all ListIt2Exceptions and throws em to CMSMS error console. Tried to make more friendly and infomative messages to exceptions.
- Removed tablesorter and quicksearch jQuery plugins, replaced with footable plugin, better table handling for mobile devices and small screens.
- Adding FR#9780. You can hide alias with in admin listing. New adming listing element: modified_time.
- Fixes BR#9352. File Upload field definitions, 'Delete' checkbox needs label.
- Fixes BR#9763. ListIt2Loader unable to get category by alias.
- Fixes BR#9362. Max length attribute for custom fields of type text is not active.
- Fixes BR#9434. Type Categories required has a -- none -- option under articles.
- Fixes BR#9426. Items hidden in admin when expiration date passes.
- Fixes BR#9656. Field value exceeds max length (Date).
- Fixes BR#9350. Field definitions, selecting 'Required' and clicking apply bug.