Version 1.11.4 - Fernandina
Core - General
- Fixes problem with cms_plugins not being found in the parser
- cms_date_format plugin is no longer cachable
- Removes more wiki url stuff
- debug.log never allowed to live more than 24 hours
- Fixes preview in addcontent
- Fixes problem with CreateTable in mysqli mode. (ENGINE and CHARSET issues)
- Fixes problem with modifiers not existing in parser stage. Now loading all modifiers
- Fixes to FileManager copy and move in regular mode
- Fixes to ImageManager when deleting files in a dir below the uploads/images path
- Fixes to cleaning of values in edit_user and add_user wrt email fields (now consistent)
- Numerous SSL fixes
- {uploads_url} tag now uses cms_config->smart_uploads_url() (new function)
- fixes a minor issue with cleaning of the incoming page variable
- Fixes an error with UDT's and syntax hilighters
- Minor fix to cms_stylesheet
- Fixes problem with Events listing none active modules.

Core - Bug Reports:
- #8238 Assets loaded as http instead of https when ssl is enabled for /admin area
- #8315 Crash in Content Page Edit: exit / die without error message
- #8386 Function redirect();
- #8409 Content block does not appear in Pages if sitedown
- #8419 E-mail address for user not accepted if having '-' character on it
- #8563 Cannot add 'separator' if 'Page URL's are required'
- #8564 Images cannot be deleted in Image Manager
- #8571 NCleanGrey admin theme on
- #8672 Dropzone don't remember the selected directory
- #8673 Images can't be deleted in Image Manager within created folders
- #8684 Type MyIsam
- #8686 cms_date_format and cms_escape Smarty modifiers in templates no longer found by Smarty
- #8695 Update routes and mod_rewrite