* Fixed a bug which caused the Date Submitted sorting in Form Browser to be inconsistent across pages at first.
* Fixed a bug which caused a Checkbox Field to be unable to be required. Checkbox Fields can now be made required.
* Fixed Bug #5610: File Upload Field advanced options now save correctly.
* Fixed Bug #5702: When using the "Frontend User binding" advanced option on the FormBrowser Disposition, checkboxes can now be saved in the "unchecked" state. Thanks Mike Hughesdon!
* Fixed Bug #5422: Multiple forms using the "Frontend User binding" advanced option on the FormBrowser Disposition now correctly load previously submitted data. Thanks Mike Hughesdon!
* Added: New Disposition - DispositionUniqueFile. Write form results to a unique file for each form submission.
* Added: TinyMCE integrated.
* Added: New Disposition - DispositionEmailBasedFrontendFields. Send form results via email with frontend-user-specified Subject, "From Name", "From Address", and Destination Address.
* Added: Random number generator to UniqueIntegerField.
* Fixed Bug #5555/#5453: Dominica (DM) is now properly selectable in the Country Picker Field.
* Fixed Bug #4307: Files uploaded on earlier pages of a multi-page form are now attached to Email Dispositions on later pages.
* Fixed Bug #3605: Dates are now translated in Email Dispositions.
* Fixed Bug #5358: DispositionFromEmailAddressField now creates a correct label for its input field.
* Fixed Bug #1822: Hidden Fields can now be edited in an Admin Form Browser.
* Added Feature Request #5277: Allow DispositionFormBrowser to be hidden.
* Several other cleanups and minor fixes.