Version 1.9.3 - Motu Tane
Core - Bugreports:
- #3766 Admin screens blank on new install (firewalled)
- #3794 Remove use of readfile
- #3820 Included method.install.php cannot return an error message
- #3848 Pages flashing on load - no-cache headers
- #5329 Assigning language from locale is not correct
- #5619 Too short input fields
- #5744 Impossible to reload and save a valid sitedown html page.
- #5747 Error when final line of UDT is a comment
- #5794 Stylesheet url in header could be wrong
- #5861 Extra fields are cleared if a mandatory field is forgotten
- #5865 Small issue with admin panel tab header id's.
- #5888 Remove markedown plugins from distribution.
- #5952 GetPageAliasFromID() Undefined variable "alias"
- #5846 When Power Users edit page content, the aliases change
- #5959 UserTagOperations::SetUserTag() does not set ID
- #5971 Missing Image File in the default theme for CMSMS
- #5996 {content_image} does not show in preview-tab
- Page URLS are case in-sensitive but forced to lowercase on page submit.
- Fixes a minor problems with modules adding tasks to be executed with psuedocron

Core - Feature requests:
- #1133 Admin Panel: MenuText instead of page title in overview & hierarchy
- #1654 Add additional options to the cmsmslink plug-in for WYSIWYG editors.
- #1656 Add the "Character Map" to the TinyMCE WYSIWYG Basic toolbar by default.
- #2635 Enable "reorder pages" tool to change parent id
- #2969 Install > integrity check > number of failed files
- #3140 Improved Page Re-order
- #3194 Page_image and page_thumbnail sort order and/or path
- #3282 Description field for GCB's
- #3670 Better solution for viewing when site is down
- #3689 Create config.php automatically if file does not exist
- #3958 Pretty CSS URLs
- #3975 New checkbox for global content blocks
- #4172 Page_image setting
- #4554 Display ALL Global Content Blocks on One Page
- #5440 View website in maintenance mode.
- #5670 Pref to disable wywiwyg for sitedown message
- Caching - Important Change
1. Now pages marked as 'cachable' will be cachable in the browser for a time period as specified in the global settings page.
Pages not marked as 'cachable', or those accessed via a POST request will not be allowed to be cached by the browser.
2. Adds new settings to global settings to control browser cache capabilities.

Core Installer:
- #4136 Admin gui breaks when isntalling update over https
- #4978
- #5406 Upgrade stops when locales not correct

- #4046 Files too large won't upload

- #1761 Adding new template downloads moduleinterface.php
- #2488 Apply and Submit does not work in certain scenario
- #2503 Sectionheader is displayed as Link when is activeparent
- #2489 $node->current missing in Help description
- #3460 'items=' active page not working correctly
- #3599 simple_menu not setting correct CSS selectors since 1.6
- #3620 $node->image disapear in 1.6 version
- #4089 "loadprops" doesn't work if "items" is set
- #4186 Template error in simple_navigation.tpl causing invalid XHTML output
- #4237 Menu Separators not generated since v1.6.x
- #5447 Menu function childrenof breaks collapse

- #5987 Field Definition - Public option

- #5209 Printing module causes fatal errors when used with gallery

- Remove misleading, and buggy cancel button.

- Fixes problems with quotes in search terms

- Fixes to importing themes wrt Menumanager calls... should now be completely flexible.