

- fixed a bug that causes editors without permission to edit the AdvancedContent options to not beeing able to save a page if expire date was used.

- fixed bug item #5490



- fixed bug item #5292 (memory issue)
- fixed bug item #5254 (disable wysiwyg not working)
- fixed bug item #5310 (urlonly not working)
- fixed bug item #5311 (image paths not stored 'correctly')


- added feature request #5261 (Add sort to image type - notice the change of param filter)

- added params exclude_prefix, include_prefix, exclude_sufix, include_sufix

- added feature request #5253 (Text input to define add params to redirect function)

- added feature request #5240 (Default values of AdvancedContent page options)

- added feature request #5241 (put FeuAccess in Blocktab - created own tab for all AdvancedContent Options including extra permissions to manage these options)


- AdvancedContent options are shown in separate tab

- Added new permission to manage the AdvancedContent options tab

- removed param filter (use new params instead)

- path to files and images are stored relative to the uploads dir only

- param dir of block type file/image needs to be relative to the uploads dir only (there is no image uploads dir used anymore)

- The SVN path of version 0.5.* series is no longer /trunk/ but /tags/0.5.+/