Version 1.7 - Cape Verde
- We now support php 5.3
Note: Minimum PHP Version required is 5.2.4 though we recommend PHP 5.2.12
- Users that are using many of the newer modules that take advantage of PHP 5's OOP features
may experience strange problems when using earlier versions of PHP 5.2. It is therefore
recommended that your PHP version be updated frequently.
Note: We do NOT support E_DEPRECATED or E_STRICT at this time.
Note: We no longer support PHP 4.x
- The installer no longer performs smarty caching
- Improvements to TinYMCE
- Now not depending on admin-theme's icons anymore. Thanks Nuno
- Updated to Tiny 3.3-final
- Added an option to generate cms-compatible thumbnails when uploading files though the filepicker.
- Search 1.6.2
- Adds the detailpage param (can be overriden by modules)
- ModuleManager 1.3.3
- Minor improvements... mostly for PHP 5.3
- Remove the long-deprecated ImageGallery plugin
- Various small bug fixes