Version 0.11.1 "Tobago" -- Dec 05 2005
* Changed location of the logo image in the default
* Fixed a bug where cssmenu didn't always set the
right class name for parent nodes
* Fixed potential security problem where php code
could be entered into the title or menu text lines
* Fixed a bug with the stylesheet query not returning
media types.
* Fixed the clear cache button so that it removed the
content cache file as well.
* Fixed the content cache file to use the TMP_LOCATION
* Fixed a bug with GetAllContent that was causing
the Link content type to fail.
* Fixed a bug with CreatePermission not working with
the mysqli driver.
* Fixed a bug with the Dutch translation that was
causing logins to the admin to fail.
* Fixed a bug in GetDefaultPageID where and extra
FetchRow was getting called and causing a message to