Version: 1.3.2
* Minor tidy up and bug fixing.

Version: 1.3.1
* Fix all default options so that the documented default is used. This is most obvious
for the display code so that if type is not set, we correctly assume "text" rather
than "rss" now!. Also, fixed the API calls so that About works.

Version: 1.3
* Update to 0.9.

Version: 1.1
* Update to 0.8.

Version: 1.0.2
* Uses CMS functions for CommonCode dependency.

Version: 1.0.1
* Bug fixes that prevented display of the user facing submit form.

Version: 1.0
* Support email notifications from the submit bookmarks form. Addded delete option.
* Admin list now displays bookmarks that are not attached to any category.
* Now required CommonCode 1.1
* Tidied up code.

* Version: 0.9.1
* Bug fixes to help, column handling and the admin list.

Version: 0.9
* First release of code to rest of world!

Version: 0.1
* Initial release. The code framework is based on the News module by Robert Campbell